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Comixology unbound, Comixology: bloodshot . a former soldier with powers of regeneration and meta-morphing made possible through nanites injected into his blood. after having his memory.

We love pastel hair!, Home to endless pictures of delectable hair! use the links on the top menu bar to navigate the tags on our site to find specific colours, brands and styles. check out.Not clever title, Mostly an art blog, half a general blog, sfw except for the occasional swear word. pg-13 at worst i suppose! about me: i draw a lot, do some crafting (knit/crochet.Everything dragon age inquisition, Privateai: >pixologic interviews character artists of dragon age: inquisition< (also re: zb render in last image - i hadn’t noticed that cole has his.Raybabyray, Here are all of the new @elfcosmetics products i used in my last makeup look. i didn’t film it because i wanted to try them first but i love these products!.

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